Wczoraj napisaliśmy o tej bardzo smutnej wiadomości. Okazuje się jednak, że śmierć Pana Iwaty poruszyła serca wielu graczy z całego świata. Wciąż pojawiają się nowe wpisy, rysunki, filmy osób, których dotknęła śmierć prezesa Nintendo. Pokazuje to jak bardzo ważną częścią branży gier był Satoru Iwata. Żegnają go zwykli gracze, dziennikarze, developerzy. Przesyłają swoje kondolencje, współczucia, wspominają spotkania z zmarłym, wymieniają się anegdotkami z jego życia. Nad siedzibą Nintendo w Kioto zaobserwowano też tęczę. Część z tysięcy wpisów możecie zobaczyć poniżej.
I've written & deleted ~15 tweets about Iwata, trying to say how much I respected him & how much our industry owes him, but none were enough
— Nathan Vella (@Capy_Nathan) lipiec 13, 2015
Nintendo's flag is of course at half-mast today pic.twitter.com/QpIJPK7bwB
— Dylan Cuthbert (@dylancuthbert) lipiec 13, 2015
— Aaron Greenberg (@aarongreenberg) lipiec 13, 2015
Satoru Iwata was a great leader, mentor and friend whom I will miss dearly. May we forever remember his smile and the smiles he gave us.
— Bill Trinen (@trintran) lipiec 14, 2015
Thank you for everything, Mr. Iwata.
— PlayStation (@PlayStation) lipiec 13, 2015
Sad day for Iwata-san’s family, friends, and gamers everywhere. His passion, creativity & leadership elevated our industry.
— Phil Spencer (@XboxP3) lipiec 13, 2015
There are CEOs who make a difference to the lives of the people – Satoru Iwata was one of the few who did. https://t.co/IcJKU9sNPj
— Min-Liang Tan (@minliangtan) lipiec 13, 2015
Nintendo's president Iwata-san lost his fight against cancer. My thoughts go out to all my friends at Nintendo and his family.
— Dylan Cuthbert (@dylancuthbert) lipiec 13, 2015
— Nude Eskimo (@NudeEskimo) lipiec 13, 2015
RIP Iwata-san, we owe you much – you will be missed.
— Treyarch Studios (@Treyarch) lipiec 13, 2015
RIP, Mr. Iwata. Thanks for all the incredible fun and inspiration.
— Neil Druckmann (@Neil_Druckmann) lipiec 13, 2015
In my heart forever.
— 神谷英樹 Hideki Kamiya (@PG_kamiya) lipiec 13, 2015
An incredibly sad start to the week. RIP Satoru Iwata. You had the respect of a world of gamers, including all of us at Rare. #ThankYouIwata
— Rare Ltd. (@RareLtd) lipiec 13, 2015
the fact that his frequent laughter became a meme just shows what an unbelievably pleasant president and CEO he was 💖 pic.twitter.com/LmJIOyNnVe
— Nick Robinson (@Babylonian) lipiec 13, 2015
We lost a great voice and passionate guiding light for the games industry today. Iwata-san, your work will live on. Thank you.
— 2K (@2K) lipiec 13, 2015
Here's the QR code of Mr. Iwata's Mii so he can not only live in our hearts but live in our Nintendo consoles as well pic.twitter.com/Hb1p9iT4m1
— A Mage in Black (@lmaradiaga86) lipiec 13, 2015
"I'll miss you."
https://t.co/YlinNa6X4e pic.twitter.com/dvu1veWY4g
— EarthBound (@Mother2_eBooks) lipiec 13, 2015
Thank you Satoru Iwata, for your talents in development and your genius in leadership. You will be missed. #RIPIwata pic.twitter.com/a44K8gGrlc
— Robert Bowling (@fourzerotwo) lipiec 13, 2015
I am beyond heartbroken to hear about the passing of my friend Satoru Iwata. He was a gamer, a developer and a champion for our medium. RIP
— Geoff Keighley (@geoffkeighley) lipiec 13, 2015
Mr. Iwata cared about Nintendo. He lived for Nintendo. Times were tough, he cut his pay in HALF. "Iwata Asks" should be a book.
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) lipiec 13, 2015
We offer our sincere condolences at the loss of Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, and express our tremendous respect for his life and work.
— PlatinumGames Inc. (@platinumgames) lipiec 13, 2015
Hoy los personajes de Nintendo se tiñen de negro. Descansa en paz Satoru Iwata pic.twitter.com/XN32yAzUlk
— Akuo (@AkuoSay) lipiec 13, 2015
Thank you Mr Iwata. You will be greatly missed! #RIPIwata pic.twitter.com/UOkjdyUa0d
— KONAMI Europe (@konamieu) lipiec 13, 2015
"On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." – Iwata-san
— Bungie (@Bungie) lipiec 13, 2015
Loved Mr. Iwata's quote. President as title, game dev's mind, gamers heart. Where's the tissue, I need it. Honestly.
— Ken Lobb (@RealKLobb) lipiec 13, 2015
What a terribly sad day. Iwata-San was such a gentleman. Huge loss for the industry. http://t.co/kkNvoU6Mlt
— Peter Moore (@petermooreEA) lipiec 13, 2015
I'm at a loss upon hearing this immensely tragic news. Rest in peace, Satoru Iwata. The worldwide gaming community mourns.
— Tyler Malka (@NeoGAF) lipiec 13, 2015
"Our deepest condolences & sympathies go out to Mr. Iwata’s family & everyone at Nintendo. He will be missed." – Yves Guillemot
— Ubisoft (@Ubisoft) lipiec 13, 2015
Nintendo's president, Satoru Iwata, has passed away. The man was incredible: humble, funny and a true leader. pic.twitter.com/vJkhoyA83t
— Nintendo Force (@NintendoForce) lipiec 13, 2015
Please, I don't understand. #ThankYouIwata
— Markus Persson (@notch) lipiec 13, 2015
I had the chance to meet Iwata-san at E3 one year, and he was such a gentleman as I fan boyed out. Today the industry lost a huge force. 😞
— Larry Hryb (@majornelson) lipiec 13, 2015
— ❀ ❀ Keel ✿ ✿ (@SunnyKeel) lipiec 13, 2015
So sorry to hear about Mr. Iwata's passing. He was an unbelievable mind and talent, a passionate creative force. May he rest in peace.
— Zelda Williams (@zeldawilliams) lipiec 13, 2015
— Namie くコ:彡 (@namgoreng) lipiec 13, 2015
Splatoon is really, really depressing tonight. #RIPIwata pic.twitter.com/3gcyKBhXzs
— Is Hollander Cooper (@HollanderCooper) lipiec 13, 2015
Sad day. Satoru Iwata has passed. I was lucky enough to be interviewed by him. He knew way more about dev than me. https://t.co/E9YRqPjfXe
— Warren Spector (@Warren_Spector) lipiec 13, 2015
This is what today feels like…. pic.twitter.com/GLAwl29XeO
— Shy Kevin Dent (@TheKevinDent) lipiec 13, 2015
In remembrance of Mr. Satoru Iwata, Nintendo will not be posting on our social media channels today. pic.twitter.com/nnM1viLSNs
— Nintendo of Europe (@NintendoEurope) lipiec 13, 2015
"Video games are meant to be just one thing. Fun. Fun for everyone!" – Satoru Iwata #ThankYouIwata pic.twitter.com/XfeR7iYowA
— E3 (@E3) lipiec 13, 2015
fot. http://peachbunni.tumblr.com/image/123956626038
fot. http://orig06.deviantart.net/1216/f/2015/193/f/b/goodbye_satoru_iwata_by_soyungnomo-d912uef.jpg
Ku pamięci Pana Satoru Iwata, w dniu dzisiejszym Dystrybutor Nintendo Polska nie będzie zamieszczał żadnych informacji na kanałach społecznościowych.
Posted by Dystrybutor Nintendo Polska on 13 lipca 2015
Piękne podsumowanie przygotowała też redakcja IGN.
A Farewell Tribute to Nintendo's Satoru Iwata
A Farewell Tribute to Nintendo's Satoru Iwata.http://go.ign.com/thankyouiwata
Posted by IGN Video on 13 lipca 2015
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